ECOS Dual Flush Conversion Kit for Closet (Fits Zurn)
Part Number: #08923Z
Mfg No.: RESS-Z-C 1.6/1.1
Mfg: Sloan Valve Co
This ECOS Closet Dual Flush Conversion Kit is used to convert a Closet Zurn Flushometer unit into an ECOS Dual Flush Flushometer. By converting your Zurn flushometer into an ECOS, you get a unique flushometer that gives the user the choice between a Full Flush or Reduced Flush. The Full Flush has a GPF rating of 1.6 GPF, where the Reduced Flush has a rating of 1.1 GPF. With the ECOS it can determine automatically, with the duration of the user’s presence, which proper flush volume to use. This prevents the user from ever having to touch the unit and potentially spreading infectious diseases. So by converting you get a touchless, sensor operated flushometer that is water efficient and provides override buttons to allow a courtesy flush for individual comfort.
The parts that make up this head assembly are the following:
- #80782 - Cover Assembly
- #80783 - Button Cover Assembly with Screws
- #08705 - Lens Window Cover
- #80785 - Locking Ring for Zurn Valves
- #80786 - Electronic Module
- #80787 - Cover Rest Plate
- #08720 - Base with Solenoid (#08721)
- #08285 - 1.6 GPF Closet Diaphragm