Sloan Diaphragm Kits

Sloan Diaphragm Kits
Listed below are Sloan's most popular diaphragm kits. We carry all of Sloan's diaphragm kits, with most of their popular diaphragms in stock and ready to ship. Diaphragms are one of the most common items that need to be replaced within a flushometer. They have a 5-6 year life expectancy within a unit, depending on water quality, proper installation, and other factors. Indications that your diaphragm kit need to be replaced can be the following: Flushometer won't flush or won't shut off or the flush is too long or too short. Learn more about diaphragm kits in our Sloan Diaphragm Kit Guide, including the difference between dual-filtered and single filtered diaphragms, and more.
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