Retrofit Products

Sloan Retrofit Products
Top Mounted Retrofit products are the preferable retrofit style for facilities that desire a retrofit product that is aesthetically pleasing with exceptional performance. These retrofit products mount onto the top of the flush valve. They are within the ECOS, SOLIS and G2 Sloan flush valve lines. In comparison to side mount operators, these units have a longer battery life. We carry retro kits, adapter assemblies, complete head assemblies, model specific conversion kits and handle assemblies for urinals and toilets in a broad range of GPFs. Browse through this section to find all of the Sloan retrofit flushometer parts and units you need to turn your manual flushometer into a sensor activated flush valve. Learn more about G2 top mounted retrofits and why they are such a popular choice in our G2 Retrofit Flushometer Complete Information blog article. Learn about the other retrofit style, side mount retrofit kits, and compare available models in our Side Mount Comparison Chart, which is found in this blog post.
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Cover for SOLIS Dual Flush
Cover for SOLIS Single Flush