Sloan B-73-A Handle Assembly
Part Number: #08069
Sloan Model Number: B73A
Sloan Code Number: 3302002
Manufacturer: Sloan
This ADA Handle Assembly contains everything that is needed to replace the handle assembly for a Sloan flush valve. This assembly kit is a popular replacement kit for Sloan flush valve repair. The handle has a triple silicone infused connection kit. This handle is for use with any Sloan Royal, Regal, Crown, and similar style flushometers.
This repair kit is needed often due to flush valve handles being misused. Public restrooms tend to need this item replaced most often as patrons, in an effort not to touch the flush valve, kick the handle to flush the water closet, which can cause the flush handle to break by damaging the inner components of the handle.
The following parts are included in this Handle Assembly Kit:
• ADA Handle- Sloan Model B74A
• Handle Socket - Sloan Model B7A
• Triple Seal Handle Repair Kit - Sloan Model B51A
• Handle Gasket - Sloan Model A31 (Included within the Triple Seal Handle Repair Kit)
Directions for installation are on the packaging.
This handle is interchangeable with the older handle, Sloan model B-32-A (Part #08008), which is slightly shorter than this handle and not ADA-compliant.