Waterfree Urinal Cartridge
*Call for special commercial pricing.
Part Number: #05317
Sloan Model Number: WES-150
Sloan Code Number: 1001500
Mfg: Sloan
Sloan's Waterfree Urinal Cartridge is what makes Sloan's waterfree urinal work that way it does - with waterfree technology that saves water while reducing restroom odors. With this cartridge, Sloan waterfree urinals can function almost entirely without water. This equates to saving tens of thousands of gallons of water each year. The cartridges' integral diverter shield reduces splash back which reducing the amount of urine that doesn't make it down the drain. The proprietary sealant that floats to the top when the urinal is used seals the urine inside the cartridge stopping lingering odors. The waste then flows past an internal trap and exits the cartridge while leaving the uric sediment behind, eliminating the need to use water to flush the urinal. Includes Cartridge Kit designed to last for at least 7000 uses (cartridge is made from recyclable ABS), Sealant Liquid (100% biodegradable), cartridge installation/removal tool (key), protective glove, and disposal bag.
• Uses no water
• Mechanical-free design
• Patented, Sealed Locking Cartridge
• Biodegradable Cartridge Sealant Liquid eliminates all odors
• Improved hygiene and safety
• Reduced water and sewer costs
• Water supply piping not required
• Odor-free
• Easy installation and replacement
• Sloan WES150 Spec Sheet
• Waterfree Urinal Cartridge Common Mistakes and FAQ PDF
This waterless urinal cartridge can also be purchased by the case. View the case listing here: Waterfree Urinal Cartridge (Case of 32) (Part #05317CS).
Check out our Waterfree Urinal Cleaner, developed specifically for cleaning Sloan Waterfree Urinals and what we recommend using as the only cleaner for your waterfree urinal fixtures.