Sloan Electronic Faucet Parts ETF-80 Parts Breakdown and Troubleshooting Guide (Pre-2019)

• ETF-80 0.5 GPM Single Supply with 4” Center Base Plate (Box Mount Transformer)
- 1a. #59707 - ETF-250-A - Faucet and Sensor Assembly
1b. #81600 - ETF-631-A - Sensor Assembly Only for faucets manufactured 10/2003 to 2019. Identified by the all white Sloan logo on throat plate. - 2. #80603 - 0.5 GPM Multi-Laminar Vandal Proof Aerator Spray Head with Key (Female 0.5 GPM)
#50013 - ETF-1022-A - 2.2 GPM Aerator Spray Head with Key (Female Thread)
#84322 - ETF-621-A - Laminar Flow Spray Head with Key (Female 2.2 GPM) - 3. #54693 - ETF-435 - Key Only
- 4a. #55154 - ETF-295-A - 4" Centerset Trim Plate Kit for faucet only
4b. #54694 - ETF-299-A - 4" Centerset Trim Plate Kit for faucet with optional mixing valve
4c. #52154 - ETF-510-A - 8" Centerset Trim Plate Kit for faucet only - 5. #59095 - ETF-290-A - Faucet Mounting Kit
- 6a. #27622 - ETF-297 - 1/4" to 3/8" Compression Fitting Connector
6b. #56794 - ETF-617-A - 3/8” Back Check Tee
- 7a. #08367 - ETF-370-A - 24 VAC Solenoid Assembly
7b. #08633 - ETF-1009-A - Solenoid Valve Repair Kit
7c. #08634 - ETF-437-A - Single Solenoid Supply Kit
7d. #66571 - MCR-1003-A - Diaphragm Only - Call to Order - 8. #08462 - ETF-450-A - Control Module Assembly
- 9. #08377 - ETF-233 - 120V/35VA Plug-in Transformer
- 10. #54688 - EL-248-40 - 24V/40VA Box Mount Transformer
- 11. #54689 - ETF-458-A - Input Power Cable
- 12. #56794 - ETF-617-A - 3/8" Bak-Check® Tee
- 13. #08218 - ETF-470-A Back Check
Troubleshooting Q&A
Below is a Troubleshooting Q&A Guide for the ETF-80 Electronic Faucet from Sloan. The guide highlights the most commonly occurring problems and how to go about fixing them. As always you can call us for assistance or if you need to replace a part and/or unit.
No water is delivered when faucet is activated
If no LED lights illuminate:
A) No electricity is being supplied to the faucet. Ensure that the main power is turned "ON". Check all transformer, sensor, solenoid and cable connections. Make sure that transformer is supplying 24 VAC (Volts AC). If no voltage is detected, replace the transformer.
B) There is an electrical system malfunction. Reset electrical system. Unplug Sensor connection. Disconnect power to circuit for ten (10) seconds. Reconnect power to the circuit.
If Green LED illuminates when power reconnects:
C) There is a short in the Sensor. Replace sensor. Refer to individual faucet parts breakdown for appropriate sensor assembly. NOTE: Green LED may illuminate immediately after sensor disconnection.
D) There is a short in the solenoid or solenoid cable. Replace ETF-370-A (#08367) solenoid.
If Green LED does NOT illuminate when power reconnects:
E) There is an electrical system malfunction. Reset electrical system. Unplug sensor connection. Disconnect power to circuit for ten (10) seconds. Reconnect.
F) The control module circuit is not working properly. Replace ETF-450-A (#08462) control module.
If Green LED illuminates and changes to Red when hands are in the sensor's detection zone and the Red solenoid LED illuminates:
G) Water supply stops(s) may be partially closed. Open stop(s) if closed.
H) Debris is clogging solenoid filter. Shut off water supply. Remove, clean and reinstall solenoid filter.
If Green LED illuminates and changes to Red when hands are placed in the sensor's detection zone and the Red solenoid LED flickers with a vibrating and clicking noise heard inside the module:
NOTE: Applies only to REVISION 2 MODULES.
I) There is a direct short in the solenoid or solenoid cable. Replace with ETF-370-A (#08367) solenoid.
If Green/Red LED illuminates and changes to Red when hands are NOT located in the sensor's detection zone but the RED solenoid LED (in upper left corner of circuit) does NOT illuminate
J) Sensor range is set too long and is detecting the sink. Reduce sensor detection range.
K) Sensor is not working properly. Replace sensor. Refer to individual parts breakdown for appropriate sensor assembly.
If Green LED illuminates but does NOT change to Red when hands are placed in the sensor's range:
L) Sensor range is set too short. Increase sensor's detection zone.
M) Sensor is not working properly. Replace sensor. Refer to individual parts breakdown for appropriate sensor assembly.
Sensing Range is too short
A) Extended range sensitivity is required. Dip switch #4 should be in the "DOWN" (Extended range sensitivity) position. Increase range by adjusting range potentiometer clockwise (yellow Phillips screw in blue base).
B) Faucet has surgical bend gooseneck spout. For long range use (recommended for surgical bend gooseneck spout faucet models), remove range jumper from upper right hand corner of circuit board. Adjust range potentiometer.
NOTE: Applies only to REVISION 2 MODULES.
Faucet Activates by itself (false triggers)
A) Sensor range is set too long. Decrease range by adjusting range potentiometer counterclockwise. If necessary, flip dip switch #4 into the "UP" (reduced range sensitivity) position. Check surroundings for factors that contribute to sensor range detection problems (bright lights, highly reflective surfaces, sunlight, etc.).
Faucet delivers very low flow / dribble
A) Water supply stop(s) may be partially closed. Open stop(s).
B) Debris is clogging solenoid filter. Shut off water. Remove, clean, and reinstall solenoid filter.
C) Solenoid is worn or not working properly. Rebuild with ETF-1009-A (#08633) solenoid repair kit or replace ETF-370-A (#08367) solenoid.
D) Debris is clogging faucet aerator or spray head. Shut off water. Use key if required to remove. Then clean and reinstall aerator or spray head.
Faucet continues to flow / dribble after use is no longer detected; even with no power to module
A) Solenoid valve is installed backward. Disconnect solenoid. Reconnect solenoid with water flow towards the faucet (see arrow on solenoid).
B) Debris is clogging solenoid. Remove and clean solenoid operator. If necessary, rebuild with ETF-1009-A (#08633) repair kit.
C) Seat in solenoid valve body is damaged or pitted. Replace with ETF-370-A (#08367) solenoid

View the Sloan ETF-80 repair parts or our selection of Sloan electronic faucets.