Sloan Royal Flushometer since 1998 Parts Breakdown and Troubleshooting Guide

- 1. #08049 - A72 - Chrome Plated Cover
- 2. #08050 - A71 - Inside Cover
- 3. #08004 - A19AC - Closet Relief Valve (White)
#08005 - A19AU - Urinal Relief Valve (Black)
#08345 - A19ALC - Low Consumption Relief Valve (Green) - 4. #08563 - A1038A - 3.5 GPF Closet Diaphragm Assembly
#08752 - A1044A - 2.4 GPF Closet Diaphragm Assembly
#08564 - A1041A - 1.6 GPF Closet Low Consumption Diaphragm Assembly
#08937 - A1045A - 1.2 GPF Closet Low Consumption Diaphragm Assembly
#08562 - A1037A - 1.5 GPF Urinal Diaphragm Assembly
#08565 - A1042A - 1.0 GPF Urinal Low Consumption Diaphragm Assembly
#08566 - A1043A - 0.5 GPF Urinal Low Consumption Diaphragm Assembly - 5. #08069 - B73A - ADA Handle Assembly
- 6. #08054 - A6 - Chrome Plated Handle Nut
- 7. #08439 - B51A - Triple Seal Handle Kit
- 8. #08020 - Equiparts - 1-1/2" Gasket Kit
#08021 - Equiparts - 1-1/4" Gasket Kit
#08022 - Equiparts - 3/4" Gasket Kit
- 9. #08017 - F5A - 1-1/2" Coupling Assembly
#08018 - F5A - 1-1/4" Coupling Assembly
#08019 - F5A - 3/4" Coupling Assembly - 10. #08438 - V651A - Vacuum Breaker Repair Kit
- 11. #08467 - V600AA - 1-1/2" x 9" Vacuum Breaker
#08466 - V600AA - 1-1/4" x 9" Vacuum Breaker
#08465 - V600AA - 3/4" x 9" Vacuum Breaker - 12. #08040 - H550 - Tailpiece Coupling Nut
- 13. #08039 - H551A - Adjustable Tailpiece 2-1/16" (Other Lengths Available)
- 14. #08038 - H552 - Locking Ring
- 15. #08037 - H553 - O-Ring
- 16. #08460 - H700A - 3/4" Vandal Resistant Control Stop
#08464 - H700A - 1" Vandal Resistant Control Stop - 17. #08032 - H541ASD - Control Stop Repair Kit for 3/4" or 1"
- 18. #08322 - H1010ABX - Vandal Resistant Control Stop Cap Assembly for 3/4" or 1"
- 19. #08023 - 1-1/2" Spud Assembly
#08024 - 1-1/4" Spud Assembly
#08025 - 3/4" Spud Assembly
Troubleshooting Q&A
Flushometer DOES NOT function (No Flush)
A) Control stop or main supply valve is closed.
B) Handle assembly is damaged.
C) Relief valve is damaged.
A) Open control stop or main supply valve.
B) Replace B-73-A (#08069) handle or repair with B-51-A (#08439) handle repair kit.
C) Replace relief valve.
Handle leaks
A) Handle seal or handle assembly is damaged.
A) Replace B-73-A (#08069) handle or repair with B-51-A (#08439) handle repair kit.
Water splashes from fixture
A) Control stop is open wider than necessary.
B) Water saver/ conventional diaphragm assembly is installed on low consumption fixture, or closet diaphragm assembly is installed on urinal fixture.
A) Adjust control stop for desired delivery of water volume.
B) Determine the required flush volume (see label on valve or markings on fixture.) Replace diaphragm assembly or relief valve for appropriate flush volume of fixture.
Volume of water is insufficient to adequately siphon fixture
A) Control stop is not open wide enough.
B) Diaphragm assembly is damaged.
C) Low consumption diaphragm assembly is installed on water saver/ conventional fixture or urinal diaphragm assembly is installed on closet fixture.
D) Inadequate water volume or pressure is available from supply.
A) Adjust control stop for desired delivery of water volume.
B) Replace diaphragm assembly.
C) Determine the required flush volume (see label on valve or markings on fixture.) Replace diaphragm assembly or relief valve for appropriate flush volume of fixture.
D) Increase flow rate or pressure to the valve. If gauges are not available to measure supply pressure/ volume, remove relief valve from diaphragm assembly and open the control stop. If the fixture siphons, additional water volume is required. Install higher flushing volume relief valve or diaphragm assembly or cut flow ring from guide. If the fixture DOES NOT siphon (or low consumption flush is required,) additional steps must be taken to increase the water pressure and/or volume at the water supply. Contact fixture manufacturer for minimum supply requirements of fixture.
Flushometer valve closes immediately (short flush)
A) Worn or damaged diaphragm assembly.
B) Handle assembly is damaged.
C) Low consumption diaphragm assembly is installed on water saver/ conventional fixture or urinal diaphragm assembly is installed on closet fixture.
A) Replace diaphragm assembly.
B) Replace B-73-A (#08069) handle or repair with B-51-A (#08439) handle repair kit.
C) Determine the required flush volume (see label on valve or markings on fixture). Replace diaphragm assembly or relief valve for appropriate flush volume of fixture.
Length of flush is too long (long flush) or fails to shut off.
A) Bypass hole (upper filter ring) of diaphragm assembly is dirty.
B) Relief valve or diaphragm assembly is damaged.
C) Water saver/ conventional diaphragm assembly is installed on low consumption fixture or closet diaphragm assembly is installed on urinal fixture.
D) Inside cover is damaged.
E) Line water pressure dropped and is insufficient to close valve.
F) Relief valve is not seated properly.
A) Remove diaphragm assembly. Disassemble the filter rings from the diaphragm, wash under running water, and reassemble. Replace as necessary.
B) Replace relief valve or diaphragm assembly.
C) Determine the required flush volume (see label on valve or markings on fixture). Replace diaphragm assembly or relief valve for appropriate flush volume for fixture.
D) Install new A-71 inside cover.
E) Close control stop until pressure is restored.
F) Disassemble diaphragm components (relief valve, filter rings, and diaphragm unit), wash under running water, and reassemble. Replace as necessary.
Chattering noise is heard during flush
A) Inside cover is damaged.
B) Relief valve or diaphragm assembly is damaged.
A) Install new A-71 inside cover.
B) Replace relief valve or diaphragm assembly.
Care and Cleaning Instructions:
DO NOT USE abrasive or chemical cleaners to clean flushometers that may dull the luster and attack the chrome or decorative finish. Use ONLY mild soap and water, then wipe dry with a clean towel or cloth. When cleaning the bathroom tile, to protect the flushometer from any splattering of cleaner. Acids and cleaning fluids can discolor or remove chrome plating.

View the Sloan Royal since 1998 repair parts or our selection of Sloan flush valves.